This is a free service to find your accommodation for staying in Tokyo about 1month~1year. We work by advertising income we don't require you to pay for using this website.
In Japan the legal minimum stay for a Guest House or apartment is 1 month, for any stay less than 1 month you will need to book into a Hostel or Hotel.
We deal with many different properties and house owners so its not all ways possible to have real-time accuracy with the availability information in our databases however we do strive to make our site as accurate as possible. We are always improving our system to make it more efficient.
We appreciate you use the contact form. If you do not hear back from us after submitting the form, please check your Spam folder.
Yes. Most of the guest houses can show the place to you. Please give us your ideal date and time to visit there . However we appreciate you will give us time to arrange between you and guest house owner/manager at least 2 days.
If you are in Japan and already you met the owner, please transfer the deposit to the property owner bank account after you made sure to take the room to the owner or us.
If the owner has a specific contract with us we will send you an email with a PayPal invoice, or the bank details for using Transferwise payment service. Though please check the instruction email and send us your passport copy and flight information with your arrival date.
If you cancel the room booking before moving in cancellation fee will be required. The deposit that you already paid will be change to the cancellation fee.
Yes. We offered properties where accept Japanese also though you can exchange language or culture from daily life.
Yes. There are some properties for women. Please note about it when you subscribe the contact form.